Add a Separate Comment tab to Facebook Page for accepting Fan’s Feedback Motion Update

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Add a Separate Comment tab to Facebook Page for accepting Fan’s Feedback

Adding a separate comment box tab to your Facebook page will allow fans to leave their comments, ask for their queries or also talk among themselves. This is a nice way to get fans feedback. The comment box is similar to the general comment box which we get to see at the bottom of each Facebook status update.

Facebook Page Comment Box
Adding a separate comment tab is easy. This will make you Facebook Page more interactive.

Procedure to add a Comment Tab to your Facebook Page

1. Add a FBML tab to your page. For detailed instructions on adding a FBML tab to Facebook page refer this tutorial.
2. Add following code to the FBML tab. [via]
<fb:comments xid="user_comments" canpost="true" showform="true">
<fb:title>Leave a Comment!</fb:title>

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